Massage Therapy in Kettering
Massage therapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It can be useful in the rehabilitation of sports injuries and sprains, as well as for postural problems and general relaxation. Aftercare advice is always given where needed. We are happy to treat patients of all ages for regular treatments or occasional sessions.
At the Kettering practice we have two registered sports massage therapists who work as part of our team. Nikki Coleman and Jenny Meadows both have experience of working with a wide variety of clients; from athletes to pensioners. They can provide remedial exercises in conjunction with massage.
Whether recovering from injury or as part of the recovery process from intense training, or just overdoing it in the garden, massage can offer benefit. A wide range of advanced massage techniques are used to provide individually tailored treatment for athletes, or everyday folk with aches and pains.
All consultations include peripheral joint assessment and posture and core stability assessment. The treatment then involves a range of techniques including; Soft tissue release, Deep friction and Neuromuscular techniques.
Massage is a safe and natural manual therapy. A wide range of advanced massage techniques are used to provide individually tailored treatment of injuries and relaxation:
- Soft tissue release
- Deep friction techniques
- Neuromuscular technique
- Muscle energy technique
- Connective tissue myofascial release
- Positional release technique
Treatments are tailored to your individual sporting and everyday needs.